Friday, August 24, 2007

Cocina Poblana, Emeryville

I moved to the east bay about 8 years ago and have been waiting for a good Mexican restaurant to open up. Finally, this has happened with the arrival of Cocina Poblana on Hollis Street in Emeryville.

A couple workmates and I went there yesterday for lunch. It was crazy busy! It seems I wasn't the only one waiting for this to happen. The place was jam packed with folks eating, drinking, and chatting away. There was a line to the door when we walked in to order. During the work week, you file in and stand in line to order. If you are lucky, you will find an empty table to sit at. Otherwise, you are better off taking it to go.

By the time we got nearer the front of the line, an open table was ready for us. One of my lunchmates grabbed the table while I ordered. We all got the Tacos Poblana which is two flat, crispy tacos covered in pinto beans, fragrant and cheery salsa, guacamole, and a small dollop of sour cream. My two mates both got shrimp while I got chicken. Even though the place was a dizzying madhouse full of hungry people, the wait for the food wasn't too bad. The staff at Poblana have their system of feeding the hungry masses perfected.

As one of my lunchmates put it, "whatever they cook the shrimp with, it's amazing." I say ditto on the chicken. It was awesome. Extra sit-ups were required later that night for it wasn't exactly a light lunch.

They also have an attractive looking bar. On the specials board, it featured something called an avocodo margarita. We all were afraid and stuck to plain tap water.

I have also had dinner there another night. For dinner, they have sit-down service with a wait staff and an entirely different menu. It was good, but I think I prefer the lunch menu/atmosphere.

P.S. I haven't tried or confirmed it, but the Casa Poblana van which was parked outside the front door stated "Free delivery and catering"

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